List of authors by name: L
List of authors by name:
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
- Kate Lace (pseudonym of Catherine Jones)
- Mercedes Lackey (born 1950)
- Fred Ladd (born 1927)
- Harold Sonny Ladoo (1945–1973)
- R. A. Lafferty (1914–2002)
- Tim LaHaye (born 1926)
- Ross Laidlaw
- Sinikka Laine (born 1945)
- Kojo Laing (born 1946)
- Melvin Laird (1922–2016)
- Jack Lait (1883–1954)
- Lori L. Lake (born 1960)
- Simon Lake (1942–2006)
- Arnette Lamb (1947–1988)
- Charlotte Lamb
- Harold Lamb (1892–1962)
- George Lamming (born 1927)
- Geoffrey Landis (born 1955)
- Jill Marie Landis
- Andrew Lang (1844–1912)
- Mandla Langa (born 1950)
- Ruth Ryan Langan
- David Langford (born 1953)
- Tania Langley (born 1927)
- Alfred Lansing (1921–1975)
- Christopher Largen (born 1969)
- Erik Larson (born 1954)
- Glen A. Larson (born 1937)
- Ron Larson (born 1941)
- Stieg Larsson (1954–2004)
- David Lassman (born 1963)
- Yulia Latynina (born 1966)
- Keith Laumer (1925–1993)
- Stephanie Laurens
- Hugh Laurie (born 1959)
- Rick Law (born 1969)
- Stephen R. Lawhead (born 1950)
- D. H. Lawrence (1885–1930)
- George Alfred Lawrence (1827–1876)
- Robert Lawson (1892–1957)
- Harry Lawton (1927–2005)
- Munro Leaf (1905–1976)
- Edmund Leamy (1848–1904)
- Edward Lear (1812–1888)
- Day Leclaire
- Michael Ledwidge
- Dennis Lee (born 1939)
- Harper Lee (1926–2016)
- Miranda Lee
- Sharon Lee (born 1952)
- Tanith Lee (born 1947)
- Ursula K. Le Guin (born 1929)
- Fritz Leiber (1910–1992)
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716)
- Murray Leinster (1896–1975) (pseudonym of Will F. Jenkins)
- Stanisław Lem (born 1921)
- Madeleine L'Engle (1918–2007)
- Donna Leon (born 1942)
- Etienne Leroux (1922–1989)
- Doris Lessing (born 1919)
- Jonathan Lethem (born 1964)
- Julie Elizabeth Leto
- Barbara Levick (born 1932)
- Gail Carson Levine (born 1947)
- Stacey Levine
- Paul Levinson (born 1947)
- David Levithan (born 1972)
- Andrea Levy (born 1956)
- Marc Levy (born 1961)
- William Levy (born 1939)
- C. S. Lewis (1898–1963)
- Deborah Lewis (pseudonym of Charles L. Grant)
- Linda Lewis (born 1950)
- Susan Lewis (born 1956)
- Sinclair Lewis (1885–1951)
- Alice Chetwynd Ley (born 1913)
- Sophie Leyton (1928–2009) (pseudonym of Sheila O'Nions Walsh)
- Madeleine L'Engle (1918–2007)
- Laura Jean Libbey (1862–1924)
- Simcha Liberman (1929–2009)
- Jacqueline Lichtenberg (born 1942)
- Ash Lieb (born 1982)
- Tao Lin (born 1983)
- Astrid Lindgren (1907–2002)
- Mark Lindquist
- Johanna Lindsey (born 1952)
- Art Linkletter (1912–2010)
- Elinor Lipman (born 1950)
- George Lippard (1822–1854)
- Laura Lippman (born 1959)
- Robert Lissauer (1917–2004)
- Arnold Lobel (1933–1987)
- António Lobo Antunes
- John Gibson Lockhart (1794–1854)
- John Locke (1632–1704)
- Richard Lockridge (1898–1982)
- Ross Lockridge, Jr. (1914–1948)
- Oliver Lodge (1851–1940)
- Hugh Lofting (1886–1947)
- Hilary London (pseudonym of Nancy Buckingham and John Sawyer)
- Jack London (1876–1916)
- Ruth Frances Long, (born 1971)
- William Stuart Long (1914–1986) (pseudonym of Violet Vivian Finlay Stuart Mann)
- Barry B. Longyear
- Anita Loos (1888–1981)
- Jean Lorrah (born 1938)
- Claire Lorrimer (pseudonym of Patricia Denise Robins)
- Peter Lourie (born 1952)
- Anna M. Louw
- H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937)
- Earl Lovelace (born 1935)
- Johnny Lovewisdom (1919–2000)
- Dorothy Mackie Low (born 1916) (pseudonym of Lois Dorothea Low)
- Elizabeth Lowell (born 1944)
- Paul B. Lowney (1917–2007)
- Lois Lowry (born 1937)
- Malcolm Lowry (1909–1957)
- Marie Lu, (born 1984)
- Tim Lucas, (born 1956)
- James Luceno, (born 1947)
- Fitz Hugh Ludlow (1836–1870)
- Luiz Duarte da Rocha (born 1956)
- Sergey Lukyanenko (born 1968)
- Duncan Lunan (born 1945)
- John Lutz (born 1939)
- Johanan Luria
- Edgar Lustgarten (1907-1978)
- Alexis Lykiard (born 1940)
- Dennis Lynds (pseudonym: Michael Collins)
- Gayle Lynds

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