Sleek magazine for art and fashion, focuses on art and fashion, an independent quarterly. Focusing on a curated investigation of contemporary art and fashion. Published in Berlin and distributed internationally, Sleek is printed in English. Each issue contains a mono thematic dossier centred on a topic comprising two opposite concepts and selected as a playful approach to tackling the intricacy of contemporaneous culture.
Considering the visual as the most important language of our times, and art and fashion as its most influential disciplines, sleek provides a platform for both while seeking to highlight their aesthetic and intellectual interrelatedness.
Founded in Hamburg in 2003, the magazine has been published in Berlin since 2005.
Publication and Edition

The magazine is published in English, quarterly and monothematic, each issue was originally titled by opposing concepts. The Editor in chief Mario Lombardo from 2014 to 2016 made style changes. Jeni Fulton follows him in August 2016. Published in Germany and sold in over 15 other countries, including Japan, Brazil and USA.
Sleek was founded in 2003, Hamburg and is now based Berlin.
Sleek has regularly been in Art Directors Club and received the Lead Award.
Themes and Titles
- Winter 03: 01 lust
- Spring 04: 02 private | public
- Summer 04: 03 luxury | simplicity
- Autumn 04: 04 destroy | create
- Winter 04: 05 fantasy | reality
- Spring 05: 06 us | them
- Summer 05: 07 resist | adapt
- Autumn 05: 08 light | night
- Winter 05: 09 flesh | spirit
- Spring 06: 10 comic | tragic
- Summer 06: 11 straight | twisted
- Autumn 06: 12 east | west
- Winter 06: 13 street | elite
- Spring 07: 14 solid | liquid
- Summer 07: 15 before | after
- Autumn 07: 16 pure | dirty
- Winter 07: 17 hide | seek
- Spring 08: 18 structure | chaos
- Summer 08: 19 still | motion
- Autumn 08: 20 big | small
- Winter 08/09: 21 global | local
- Summer 09: 22 work | play
- Autumn 09: 23 home | garden
- Winter 09: 24 eat | feed
- Spring 10: 25 profit | loss
- Summer 10: 26 flora | fauna
- Autumn 10: 27 minimum| maximum
- Winter 10: 28 hard | soft
- Spring 11: 29 paris | texas
- Summer 11: 30 sound | silence
- Autumn 11: 31 xx |xy
- Winter 11: 32 high | low
- Spring 12: 33 The Brand New Retro
- Summer 12: 34 The Trip
- Autumn 12: 35 Kiss & Tell
- Winter 12: 36 Head & Heart
- Spring 13: 37 Fake Folk
- Summer 13: 38 Solo Gang
- Autumn 13: 39 Future Im/Perfect
- Winter 13: 40 Man & Boy
- Spring 14: The Awakening
- Summer 14: Fun & Games
- Autumn 14: Youth & Truth
- Winter 14: What Women Want